I’ve got lots of fantastic products on offer in my store now! Lots of papercutting templates, colouring products, giclee prints and tote bags now available at discounted prices. Special Offers page
Author: Kelly Rosser
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New Product Alert!

I am so excited to have listed a number of new products in the shop. Firstly I have started to add some amazing recycled pencils by Treewise. The Treewise pencils are made from 100% recycled newspapers and are the most wonderful quality. The first pack I’ve listed are the Rainbow pencils – they come in […]
Happy New Year – Special Offer code!

Happy New Year! To get 20% off any non sale items in my shop use code newyear20. Don’t forget, all items have free p&p already included in the price! Code expires on 20th January.
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Kelly Cuts Paper joins the Hochanda family!

It’s been quite a while since I lasted posted but it’s been a very busy time for me getting ready for my first appearance on the Hochanda channel! I did my first live show on Sunday 30th April and even though I was really nervous, it was a wonderful experience! I took lots of products […]
Calling all colouring fans! ‘Pieces’ to colour…

It’s been a while since I finished my first colouring book and finally have time to post about it. A book of intricate designs based on my original papercuts, I named it after my first solo exhibition – ‘Pieces’, and I based the cover designs on the poster of my exhibition. I loved turning my […]
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Exciting News and New Products!

It’s been a busy few weeks here at Kelly Cuts Paper H.Q. As well as my exhibition ‘Pieces’ which has been running since last month, I’ve also been working on some new products. Firstly, we have a wonderful opening night at the Kickplate Gallery. ‘Pieces’ has received lots of wonderful feedback from the public and […]
‘Pieces’ Exhibition at the Kickplate Gallery

On Friday 15th April, my first solo exhibition opens at the Kickplate Gallery in Abertillery. I’m thrilled to be showing many of my original papercuts in public as usually these are stored away in portfolios after I create them. The exhibition will feature many of my personal favourites, like ‘Welsh Terrace’ and ‘Dats’ Allotment’, both […]
Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow

I created this papercut well over a year ago and it has been tucked away in my portfolio waiting for me to create a background for it. I love the sentiment that all big things, start small, that every Oak tree started it’s life as a tiny acorn. I used Autumnal colours to paint the background, […]
I’m bringing the Summer Sun out early!

You may have already noticed this, but I love pattern. This ‘Sun’ themed papercut was so satisfying to cut. When I finished the cut, I added vibrant, hot colours to perfectly reflect the Sun shape I was inspired by. The little gold sections in the second photograph, are some wonderful guilding flakes I’ve been experimenting […]