It’s been a while since I finished my first colouring book and finally have time to post about it. A book of intricate designs based on my original papercuts, I named it after my first solo exhibition – ‘Pieces’, and I based the cover designs on the poster of my exhibition. I loved turning my […]
Original Work
Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow

I created this papercut well over a year ago and it has been tucked away in my portfolio waiting for me to create a background for it. I love the sentiment that all big things, start small, that every Oak tree started it’s life as a tiny acorn. I used Autumnal colours to paint the background, […]
I’m bringing the Summer Sun out early!

You may have already noticed this, but I love pattern. This ‘Sun’ themed papercut was so satisfying to cut. When I finished the cut, I added vibrant, hot colours to perfectly reflect the Sun shape I was inspired by. The little gold sections in the second photograph, are some wonderful guilding flakes I’ve been experimenting […]
I Love Mandalas

I’m slightly obsessed with circles at the moment and I’m not afraid to admit it! This month I’ve been playing around with my circular designs, adding text to them and other bold shapes and patterns. The first design I finished is a personalised mandala, which has names within one of the circles. The rest of […]
Patience plus Paper and Paint

In the run up to Christmas I’ve been doing some local craft fairs and Christmas markets. I spend lots of time explaining to people how my work is created and showing them the originals in my portfolio. I know that at first glance, it’s not always obvious that my originals are paper cuts in the traditional sense, […]

When I started drawing out my recent design ‘Sweetheart’, I never imagined how popular the idea would be. The idea was – a heart shape, filled with cuts shaped like my favourite traditional sweets, such as shrimps, cola bottles, jelly beans and teddy bears (to name a few). Once I cut all the sweet shapes […]
Original Papercut Miniatures – available now!
When I create papercut designs which haven’t been commissioned by someone, I usually keep the original for my portfolio and sell prints, cards, etc of that design. I find it very hard to part with my original work as I spend so much time drawing and designing it, cutting it by hand, then meticulously painting […]
Moonlight Sailing
My newest original design ‘Moonlight Sailing’ has been a work in progress for a while, but is now available to buy as prints and cards from my Folksy shop. If you are a fellow papercutter, you can also purchase a template to cut your own. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”9″ gal_title=”Moonlight Sailing”] Like most of my original pieces, […]